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MECA MecaWind Pro v2406 English 32-64-bit

MECA MecaWind Pro v2406 English 32-64-bit
Win | 106 MB

Wind Load Calculator Software - Used to calculate wind loads and/or wind pressures utilizing the ASCE 7 Standards & IBC Codes.

✓ Supports multiple standards & codes (ASCE 7, IBC, & FBC) (both current & historical)
✓ Supports Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS)
✓ Supports Components and Cladding (C&C) (doors, windows, roofing, etc.)
✓ Supports both Building and Other Structures types
✓ Supports multiple Building types
✓ Supports multiple Other Structures types
✓ Supports multiple roofing types
✓ MecaWind software is very cost effective, easy to use, and has a minimal learning curve
✓ The software allows you to perform wind design with ease and is an essential wind pressure calculator
✓ Produces finalized analysis reports in multiple formats (PDF, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format, HTML)

MecaWind Allows for calculations utilizing both the Main Wind force Resisting System (MWFRS) and Components and Cladding (C&C).

Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS): The Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) is the assemblage of structural elements that are assigned to provide support and stability for the overall building or other structure. The system generally receives wind loads from multiple surfaces.
For designers that are designing the MWFRS, you will need the wind pressures on all the surfaces of the building in order to get the overall load on the structural elements. ASCE 7 offers four different methods to use when calculating the MWFRS. Two of these methods are based upon the "Directional Procedure" and the other two on the "Envelope Procedure". Can you use any of these four methods? The answer is no, you must meet the criteria specified for each method in order to use that procedure.
MecaWind has adopted a system based upon colors (Green = Good and Red = Bad), much like a traffic signal. The circles next to each method are either Red (Not valid) or Green (Valid) giving the user a quick overview of which methods can be used based on the structure parameters entered. Clicking on these circles then gives the color coded summary of what criteria has been met. Similarly, this follows the Green (Criteria met) and Red (Criteria Not met) basis. Any method that is Green can be selected, and the designer can easily compare the pressures and loads between the different methods.

Components and Cladding (C&C): ASCE 7 defines components and cladding (C&C) as elements of the building which do not qualify as part of the MWFRS. For example, this would consist of windows, doors, roof decking, fasteners, etc.. The user can enter as many different components and cladding items as they wish, or there is an option in MecaWind to allow you to auto-populate the list with one C&C element for each zone using the most conservative values. There is also an option to include a wind pressure summary for each C&C zone based on the effective wind areas in the specific zone.
ASCE 7 offers several methods to use for the wind pressure calculator on components and cladding. Similarly to the MWFRS procedure selection menu, MecaWind uses the same color basis for components and cladding method selection menu (Green = Good and Red = Bad). According to the parameters entered for the structure, certain methods will be available for use to the designer, and what criteria he is passing and failing for each of the C&C methods.

MECA MecaStack Pro v5630 English 64-bit

MECA MecaStack Pro v5630 English 64-bit
Win | 61 MB

MecaStack is steel stack design software that is used to design steel stacks, steel chimneys, flares, exhaust stacks, etc. of a variety of dimensions and attachments. In addition, the software also performs a bending analysis of the stack to aid with the stack lifting design. MecaStack can be used to analyze self supported stacks (free standing) and guyed stacks (guy wire supported, PRO Version). Similarly, it can be used for design of steel chimneys or stacks that are braced on a building or other structures by lateral bracing. Above all, the software is very easy to use and extremely versatile at handling a wide range of problems and designs.

Steel Stack Design Codes: The user has complete control over the design codes that are used for Along Wind, Across Wind, Stress and Fatigue. In addition, the load combinations and factors can be customized as needed or auto-populated per the design code selected. There are several comprehensive steel chimney design codes available within the MecaStack design software.

Lifting Steel Stack Design Analysis and Extraction: Another critical item with steel stack design, is the lifting analysis portion of the design. It's great when the stack design comes together and shows it will work when the stack is erected, but if the stack can't be lifted into position then it is all for not and it could create a dangerous situation for those around. Sometimes to ease the stress the stack incurs when being lifted, it is wise to lift the stack in multiple sections instead of one large section. Although MecaStack provides the user with the ability to analyze the stack lifting design as a whole, it also allows the user to extract certain sections of their stack lifting design to analyze how it will perform during the lifting process.

Stack Analysis Output: Output reports are customizable in MecaStack. The user can select from a table of contents which items are going to be presented in the final report and save this configuration in a .TOC file so they don't have to reselect those items again for future reports. Also, by clicking on any of the table of contents items, it will take the user directly to that section for further investigation. Sections involving "Pass" or "Fail" criteria are displayed with the colors green for passing and red for failing. This allows the user to quickly determine if there are any problems in the steel chimney.

MecaStack Pro Version: If you need to perform an analysis of a Guy Wire supported stack, then you will need the Pro version of MecaStack. Guyed steel stack design can be extremely complicated. The designer must consider the nonlinearity of the cables as well as all combinations of load direction, corrosion and temperature in order to find the worst case for each element of the design. Most general purpose structural programs (StaadPro, Risa, etc.) simply don't handle guyed stack design adequately, or they make it extremely difficult and time consuming. However, MecaStack not only makes modeling a guyed stack simple, but it automatically constructs an array of load cases in different loading directions to ensure that the worst case scenarios for each element of the design is captured. In addition, it also helps with the selection of the appropriate guy wire hardware and with the design of the guy lug attachment to the stack.

MECA MecaLug Pro v1039 English 64-bit

MECA MecaLug Pro v1039 English 64-bit
Win | 69 MB

MecaLug is a Padeye or Lifting Lug Calculation Software package that is used to perform padeye or lifting lug calculations as well as analyze loads acting on padeyes or lifting lugs for a structure or piece of equipment. Several different styles of padeyes or lifting lugs are offered giving the user multiple options in selecting an appropriate lifting lug. There are also several different configurations in the MecLug Software for different equipment and structures. The lifting lug software even has templates for lifting a stack or cylindrical vessel from horizontal to vertical, using either lifting lugs or lifting trunnions. For this special type of lifting of stacks, the lifting lug software considers the multiple angles as the structure rotates from horizontal to vertical in order to find the worst angle on the lifting lugs/trunnions and tailing lug.

MecaLug Standard version is the least expensive version of the software that allows the user to perform Padeye / lifting lug calculations per ASME BTM-1 "Design of Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices". Engineers often design structures and equipment for extreme wind, seismic and other loading that may never occur; however, in the case of a lifting lug those extreme loads may very well be experienced at the beginning of the equipment life cycle, not in 20+ years down the road. The failure of a lifting lug could very likely put human life in danger in the event of a failure. The lifting lug software allows the user to quickly and accurately analyze Padeye / lifting lugs for a variety of loads.

MecaLug Pro version offers the same features of the standard version of the lifting lug software of analyzing a single lug or trunnion, but MecaLug Pro also has the added benefit of being able to apply those lugs to a lifting system and analyze what loads would be seen by the crane, cable, and lugs. This Pro feature of the MecaLug allows the designer to consider lifting a piece of equipment or structure, and have the software determine the loads acting on each individual lug. The analysis of each lug is then performed by the lifting lug software. The Pro features make MecaLug an all-in-one lifting lug software.

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